Top 15 Solidity Repository You Must Check Out
If you want to write smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain, you should learn Solidity. While there are different Blockchains where you can deploy your smart contract or similar applications referred to as dApps, Solidity is a fantastic place to start. In the next years, Solidity will be a new trend. Furthermore, it will be critical in the development of Ethereum-friendly apps.
Below is the compilation of top Solidity repos on GitHub that you must check out:
1. ethereum/solidity
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
Stars: 16.2K+
2. smartcontractkit/full-blockchain-solidity-course-py
Ultimate Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
Stars: 7.4K+
3. bkrem/awesome-solidity
A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools, and more
Stars: 4.2K+
4. willitscale/learning-solidity
Along with YouTube tutorials
Stars: 1.7K+
5. fravoll/solidity-patterns
A compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity
Stars: 1.8K+
6. BlockchainLabsNZ/awesome-solidity
A curated list of awesome Solidity resources
Stars: 200+
7. ethereum/solidity-examples
Loose collection of Solidity example code
Stars: 390+
8. ajlopez/SoliditySamples
Solidity Smart Contracts Samples
Stars: 120+
9. solidstate-network/solidstate-solidity
Upgradeable-first Solidity smart contract development library
Stars: 130+
10. Aniket-Engg/solidity-school
First place for early developers to learn Solidity
Stars: 70+
11. OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
OpenZeppelin Contract is a library for secure smart contract development.
Stars: 17.5K+
12. trufflesuite/truffle
A tool for developing smart contracts. Crafted with the finest cacaos.
Stars: 13K+
13. NomicFoundation/hardhat
Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. Get Solidity stack traces & console.log.
Stars: 3.1K+
14. eth-brownie/brownie
A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Stars: 1.9K+
15. dethcrypto/TypeChain
TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts
Stars: 1.8K+